How are you today? (An attempt at translation)

How are you today?
Pedro Moreira Nt

Today I did it with a trip. The day is a voyage.
My trip began in the morning when the sun took my soul and warmed, taking doubts and putting posibilities.
On the way I continued in the chariot of the great train of life.
And you? How do you think this day? You're good?
Yes, I try. I'm going to have lunch while time slips out of my hands.
I sincerely seek to sustain my anguish. Do you know that the train is ready to stop at the next station.
I'm not going downstairs alone. Even more - nothing more - no hope.
One day, the master of the time will say: finish.
But I'm fine.
Now I read the last notice, what will the newspapers say?
Going down the stairs. Sorry said this, but it is terrible warnings about the world, around people follow walking the war.
I think it's okay.
I think it will be better.
Maybe someone can to stop the bad.
And you?
You're good?
How many times we do not see each other and do not talk.
I guess you'll never see to me again.
How are you today?
That's fine.
I go with you since where you gone.
I'm die?
No. Do you think and believe.
How are you today?
Today was beautiful, perfect day.
On the way I continued in the wagon of the great train of life.
And you? How do you think this day? You're good?
Yes, I try. I'm going to have lunch while time slips out of my hands.
I sincerely seek to sustain my anguish why do you know that the train is prepared to stop at the next station.
I do not go downstairs. Even more - nothing more - no hope.
One day, the master of the time will say: finish.
But I'm fine.
Now I read the last notice, what will the newspapers say?
Going down the stairs
Terrible warnings about the world, around people walking the war.
I think it's okay.
I think it will be better.
And you?
You're good?
How many times we not see us, and than talk.
I guess will never her see again.
I will projimo a ti, credes.
Remember, as a child, your appearance was magnificent, and only the time you have the eyes comovent. I understand that change
I do not know. I do not finish the idea of you today.
I've never left you. I know this because I'm sorry.
I mean, they always know who you are.
I wait that you understand and forgiven me had not said hello before
Today is special.
My soul.
Your soul.
I remember when I met you.

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